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Japanese Spitz

Japanese Spitz Breed Information:

The Japanese Spitz is a family dog and it thrives on human companionship. It is an intelligent breed always eager to please. In temperament, it is wary of complete strangers rushing up to it without formal introduction. It prefers a gentle approach, after that you have a friend for life. It is characterised by its great courage, intelligence and liveliness and is an affectionate, devoted companion.

Japanese Spitz Size/Weight:

Height: 30-38cm, Weight: 5-10kg

Japanese Spitz Life Span:

12-16 years

Japanese Spitz Temperament:

Active, loyal, and bright, the Japanese Spitz are known for their great courage, affection and devotion making them great watchdogs and ideal companions for older people and small children. Most Japanese Spitz are good watch dogs, despite their relatively small size, and they have a tendency to bark to warn of arriving strangers. The Japanese Spitz is first and foremost a companion dog and thrives on human contact and attention, preferring to be a member of the family. They are known as very loyal dogs. They enjoy being active and love to be in the outdoors. They are intelligent, playful, alert, and obedient, and particularly excellent and loving toward children.

Japanese Spitz Grooming:

Despite the appearance of the Japanese Spitz’s pure white coat, they are in fact a low-maintenance breed. They are very clean dogs and do not have a doggy odor. Due to the texture of their coat, mud and dirt falls off or can be brushed out very easily. However, due to the breed's thick coat, regular brushing is essential. The Japanese Spitz's coat is relatively dry compared to other breeds. This breed should not be bathed more frequently than once every month, as bathing and shampoo strips the natural oil and moisture from their coat. This can cause skin sensitivity and itchiness. Their coat should be groomed twice a week using a pin brush that reaches to the undercoat, preventing formation of knots. Grooming this breed is relatively easy in contrast to other dog breeds. Their white fur coat has a non-stick texture often described as being similar to Teflon.

Japanese Spitz Exercise Requirements:

Due to their moderate energy levels, they need ample time running around outside off-leash in a safe environment, and regular walking three or more times a week.

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