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Peanut Butter Bored Dog Toys

Dogs, like children, get bored. So, what to do with a bored dog?

Easy, get your dog some boredom busting dog toys! We have a variety of dog toys that are the ideal bored dog solution.

Dog toys come in a selection of shapes and sizes, but most likely to be your dog's favourite are the interactive ones.

Interactive dog toys (or enrichment dog toys) are designed to provide a unique challenge for your dog and come with a variety of features

  • Interactive treats or content – dog treats that come out when rolled around or when a puzzle is solved
  • Interesting sounds – squeakers, sound cards, or crinkled plastic in the tail of a stuffed dog toy
  • Interesting movements – toys that bounce around on their own, have dangling parts, various textures or do something like launch a ball.

These features will keep your dog’s attention for longer periods of time. In addition, you will ultimately get your money’s worth from a dog toy with these features — because your dog won’t grow bored with it quickly.

We have a range of toys that will help you keep your dog entertained while you’re at work, or even at home including interactive dog toys and automatic dog ball throwers.

Our toys are a sure way of keeping your bored dog out of mischief.