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Common diseases in fish

There are a number of different aquarium fish diseases, fungal and parasites that fish can catch. A list of the more common aquariums fish sicknesses can be seen below:

Anchor Worms

Anchor Worm is a whitish-green aquarium parasite that can be seen attached to the body of the fish. They burrow into the fishes scales, entering the muscles and leaving eggs behind causing damage, which can later become infected.

What are some Symptoms of Anchor Worm?

Symptoms include the fish scratching against aquarium tank objects; parts of the fish’s body appear red or inflamed. The Anchor Worm itself should also be visible hanging or protruding from the fish.

Anchor worm treatment:

Our experienced Aquarium staff at Kellyville Pets recommend the use of CrystalClear - KnockOut™ PLUS for treating Anchor Worm.

Ick or White Spot

Ick, or more commonly known as white spot, is one of the most common aquarium fish diseases. White spot appears on the fish as small spots similar to white sand or salt on the scales and skin and is often a side affect of stressed fish. It can affect saltwater and freshwater aquarium fish.

White Spot symptoms:

Symptoms of Ick or White Spot include fish scratching against aquarium tank objects due to skin irritation, fish gasping at the waters surface, the fish fold fins close to body, or the most obvious is the visual sighting of small white spots similar to white sand or salt on skin.

White Spot Treatment:

The experienced Aquarium staff at Kellyville Pets recommend the use of Aquasonic Ichonex for fresh water aquarium fish infected with White Spot, and Aquasonic Vertonex in saltwater aquarium fish.

Tail, Fin and Mouth Rot

Tail, fin and mouth rot is caused by a bacterial infection in bullied or injured fish. The bacteria eat away at the fins through open wounds from fighting or injured fish. The effects of bacteria are elevated in Aquariums with poor tank conditions such as wrong aquarium pH, wrong aquarium temperature or fish tank cleanliness.

Tail, Fin and Mouth Rot Symptoms:

Symptoms of Tail, Fin and Mouth Rot in Aquarium fish tanks are simple and can be seen in the appearance of aquarium fish. The fish’s tail and fins start to become frayed and the colour is likely to start fading, as well as deteriorating fins.

Tail, Fin and Mouth Rot Treatment:

Our experienced Aquarium staff at Kellyville Pets have a range of aquarium additives and fish medications for treatment. The product they recommended is API Melafix as treatment for Aquarium fish.

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