Thinking of getting a Labradoodle? Get all the information you need in our dog breed guide to see if a Labradoodle is the right dog for you.
Fast Facts:
How long will my Labradoodle live? 12-14 years
What will my dogs energy levels be like? High
How big will my Labradoodle grow? 12-30kg
Will a Labradoodle be suitable for my family? Labradoodles are suitable for most families
What size housing is recommended for my Labradoodle? A large backyard is required
Labradoodle Temperament
Labradoodles are known to be a cheerful, loyal and sweet natured breed. The Labradoodle is an intelligent dog and loves to be included in all aspects of family life. They are a very affectionate, outgoing and playful breed, making them great for families with children and they generally get along well with other dogs, given they have been well socialised as a puppy.
Originally bred to be a hypoallergenic guide dog, the cross produced a smart and sociable dog who not only possessed a nature appropriate for guide dogs but also had a low-shedding coat.
Labradoodle Health Issues
Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA): A group of retinal degeneration diseases that worsens over time and can lead to impaired vision or even blindness.
Patella Luxation: An abnormally shallow groove in the knee, which causes the knee cap (patella) to slip out of position.
Bloat: When a dogs stomach fills with food, fluid or gas, making it expand and put pressure against other organs, as well as compromising blood flow. Large breed dogs with narrow, deep chests are the highest at risk. This is increased when dogs eat very quickly as they can swallow air that they may be unable to release later.
At Kellyville Pets, we encourage responsible pet ownership.
CARE GUIDE © Copyright 2016 Kellyville Pets - All information found in this care guide is based upon our own experience. The information provided is not the only information available. In any medical situations, you should always consult your vet, including questions regarding your pet's diet.