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Elite Little Dog Spray Bark Control

SKU 43368

The PetSafe Little Dog Spray is a lightweight Citronella Spray Barking collar, designed to suit dogs from 3kg.  The Little Dog Spray uses both vibration from the vocal chords and the sound of the bark to activate the collar, meaning only the dog wearing the collar can activate it.  The bark collar module is fully waterproof and runs off a PetSafe RFA-188 Battery which lasts between 3-4 months with average use.

Preferred Breeds

(based on adult dog)

The PetSafe Little Dog Spray is a suitable option for pet breed dogs from 3kg upwards, including, but not limited to:

  • Pomeranian
  • Bichon Frise
  • Shih Tzu
  • Cavalier King Charles
  • Dachshund
  • Lhasa Apso
  • Maltese
  • Pug
  • Mini Poodle X
  • Silky Terrier
  • Chihuahua


How does it work?

This spray barking collar is filled with citronella liquid through an inlet valve on the bottom of the unit and powered by a PetSafe RFA-188 Battery, lasting for 3-4 months with average use.  The sound of your dogs bark and the vibration from their vocal chords will activate the unit, causing a quick burst of citronella mist to be ejected in front of your dogs snout.  The spray alerts a number of your dog's senses; hearing the sound of the spray being ejected, feeling the spray on the snout and the deterrent of the citronella scent all play a part in breaking the barking cycle and controlling nuisance barking in pet breed dogs.


  • Compact and Lightweight
  • Dual Activated - Needs both sound and vibration to activate
  • Low Spray / Low Battery Indicator
  • 30-40 Sprays Per Fill
  • Waterproof
  • 3 year warranty


  • Shorter burst of spray, suitable only for smaller dogs
  • Citronella spray collars are not recommended as a barking solution for working breed dogs or dogs considered to be stubborn.
  • Citronella spray collars tend to have more cause for servicing or replacement over time compared to electric collars.


  • Waterproof
  • RFA-188 Battery (3-4 months)
  • Approx. 30-40 Sprays per fill
  • Approx. 10 refills per 80g Refill Can

What's Included?

  • 1 x PetSafe Deluxe Little Dog Spray Collar Module
  • 1 x Collar Strap
  • 1 x RFA-188 Battery + 1 x BONUS RFA-188 Battery
  • 1 x 80g Citronella Refill Can
  • 1 x Operating Manual