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What to do if your bearded dragon is sluggish or lethargic

Why is my Bearded Dragon sluggish?

Lighting and temperature is extremely important to dragons: make absolutely sure that their lighting is optimised in the correct way. Low temperatures can cause a lack of appetite and activity levels can drop.

Your dragon might also be going into Brumation during late autumn through the winter months. It is usually older juveniles and adults who do this. You may be able to wake your dragon up every few days for food and a bath, but it depends on your dragon – they’re all different.

This is a common problem in captive-raised Bearded Dragons. It is very important to regularly mist, bathe and offer your bearded dragon fresh, dechlorinated water every day.

And even if it doesn’t seem that your dragon is drinking from its bowl, you should still offer it fresh water every day.

Misting them gently (almost like rain) and dripping water on their nose is a good way to get them to drink.

Mood swings
Sometimes, your dragon just won’t feel like moving much. We all have our off days! Keep an eye on it, though – if this goes on too long, something is wrong. Seek veterinary assistance if the mood swings persist.